The CLIPS site offers a range of interactive activities, games, quizzes and learning tools with feedback.
- Introductory Video
- Graphing, Identifying, Describing Periodic Functions (6 activities)
- Key Properties (4 activities)
- The Sine Ratio (7 activities)
- Transformations of Periodic Functions (4 activities)
- Transformations of Periodic Functions in Context (4 activities)
- Roles of Parameters a, c, and d (4 activities)
- Sketching the Sine Function (4 activities)

The Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB) offers a number of digital activities and interactive learning resources Kindergarten to Grade 12 for publicly funded schools.
Login at https://resources.elearningontario.ca using the login and password for your local school board provided by a teacher or Guidance Counsellor. The OERB has also been integrated in to the provincial virtual learning environment (vLE). Choose your board from http://courses.elearningontario.ca/ and use your individual username and password. Talk to your teacher or Guidance Counsellor for more information.
Summaries of the OERB activities are arranged by strand for Grade 1 to Grade 12. Click on a selected grade for the drop down menu to access the summary for a strand or secondary course. All tables feature a description, picture and Resource ID (ex., ELO1414330) for each activity. For easy access, copy the selected activity Resource ID from the summary, enter the OERB site from a new tab and paste in the search prompt.
List of Activities
MAP4C - Foundations for College Mathematics, College Preparation
MCT4C- Mathematics for College Technology, College Preparation
MCV4U - Calculus and Vectors, University Preparation
MDM4U - Mathematics of Data Management, University Preparation
MEL4E - Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life, Workplace Preparation